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Youth | Participation | Impact : Call for Papers

University of Manchester, 2-4th September 2015

We would like to invite practitioners, organisations, academics, donors and policy makers working with children and youth who are street-connected or homeless; are affected by war; are living in difficult urban situations; have disabilities; struggle with substance addiction; are living in alternative care situations; are refugees, asylum seekers or internally displaced; experience accusations of being involved in witchcraft; are orphans and vulnerable children; are working children and youth; are at risk of being child brides or living in areas that practice FGM; are young offenders…to share their experiences of research, practice and advocacy with children and youth.


Underpinning the conference is a focus on participation and collaboration to develop a shared understanding of concepts at the practitioner and academic levels. We aim to provide space for cross-sectoral conversations across a broad spectrum of stakeholders. We wish to encourage the development of networks for collaborative research and information sharing to increase the impact of our work with children and youth. In the long term, such conversations and collaboration may affect future policy development that addresses poverty and social justice for marginalised children and young people locally, nationally and globally. We want to explore the ways in which our research and work intersect and learn from each other’s experiences.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

·   Meeting the criteria of evidence-based policy (and whether we should)

·   Measuring the impact of our work

·   Monitoring and Evaluation of work with children and youth

·   Effective Social Work programming

·   Including child/youth voice in programme planning

·   Models of alternative care

·   Effective reintegration

·   Counselling and psychotherapy

·   The economic effects, at local, national and global levels of including marginalised children and youth in society?

·   Inclusive Education

·   Issues of child/youth poverty

·   Networking for advocacy and collaboration on joint campaigns for change

·   Rights-based approaches to change

·   The role/impact of religion in organisations working with children and youth

·   Including a practitioner voice in research to inform policy

·   Working children

·   Participatory research

·   Counting children/youth (census data)


Instructions for Panels


A panel will comprise a chair or commentator and a confirmed set of panellists. Each panel will be provisionally allocated a 90-minute session in the programme, which will be confirmed when a full panel has been registered.

To submit a panel proposal we invite you to provide a title and abstract. It should include a short biography of the person(s) submitting and chairing the panel (up to 150 words, including affiliation and recent publications, activities). Complete panel proposals should include a title and abstract for the panel (200 words), paper titles and abstracts (200 words) to be presented, along with biographical details (35 words each) of all presenters. Each Panel session will be given final approval by the Programming Committee.


Instructions for Papers

Abstracts for proposed papers should be no more than 200 words and be submitted as a MS Word file or RTF Format (not in the body of an email). Submissions should have a title of no more than 15 words which provides useful pointers on the key topics to be discussed, five key words and a short biography of a maximum 35 words.


Instructions for Discussion Roundtables:

Your presentation (15 mins) will share a 90-minute session with 5 other presenters. Ideally the presentations will be grouped according to similar topics or interests for maximum interaction and in-depth discussion. Each table will have a moderator to facilitate interaction and participation. Audio-visuals are not usually required for roundtable presentations.

Abstracts for roundtable discussions should be no more than 200 words and be submitted as a MS Word file or RTF Format (not in the body of an email). Submissions should have a title of no more than 15 words which provides useful pointers on the key topics to be discussed, five key words and a short biography of a maximum 35 words


Instructions for Poster sessions:

Abstracts for posters should be no more than 150 words and be submitted as a MS Word file or RTF Format (not in the body of an email). Submissions should have a title of no more than 15 words which provides useful pointers on the key topics to be discussed, five key words and a short biography of a maximum 35 words.


How to make a submission:

All submitted material should list your name, institution and/or organisational affiliation (if any); your paper or session title, and any media support required.

In both your file name and email subject line, please include:


For a panel session:        [YPI; Session and Family Name]

For a paper:                      [YPI; Paper and Family Name]

For a roundtable:             [YPI; Roundtable and Family Name]

For a poster:                     [YPI; Poster and Family Name]


The deadline for submissions is 20th June 2015

These should be sent by email to


Twitter: @ YouthParticipImpact



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